Thursday, December 24, 2009

White Clear Discharge Instead Of Period

Girls Hermes

They range from love, like a circle without borders drawn in the earth. It is a basic foundation on which nothing and no one can rely. Like a fragile circle drawn on the water, warm grass breakdown of vital breaths, held just a moment. It all started without unexpectedly. Between two fires in the palm of a hand without nails. Something raw trying to escape the delicacy. The heart returned, turned around yourself instead of your heart. A piece of foil, letting out water moribund. A great silence, the one where you do not know where to put you where you do not know who you are. You have the body down, down your back, relieved, dropped, picked up a twig as synchronous.

God created man so that irrigates the earth. What a surprise than to live ... irrigated Sun lab where the Earth becomes human.

Unique is the Stone, many are her lovers. Dogen said plowing the clouds, nature feels slow, you will have to start slow. The pen of your fingers away by the wind flies over the abyss, you wait, watch his career, accuracy of an eye that sees more. And when it disappears from your gaze worried, you know that bottom, a second birth is needed. Then in a burst shaved what is known and memories disappear in the Solve indecent generations revived.

Your task is simple but oh how great my sister.

Thus death in celebration, celebrations arboreal foam wooded offerings, and these sheets crépitées, are a sign of acquiescence. Smoldering night time stars of the milky lonely wolf. Murmurs elves, laughter and cryptic Waiting ... waiting.


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