"[...] For a personal tradition, Gnosis teaches that the devil is hidden under the friendly and attractive outside externalities that surround us, and that the charms of nature are the brightest clothes and which misleading dress smart obstacles opposed to our destinies.
These proposals can not light up as the theories of Being, beings and creation.
In the beginning is Emptiness, the Gnostic tradition called Kenoma . Emptiness is the identification of Being and Non-Being in the Power of Being. The characteristic of the metaphysical power of Being is the Being of being because it can, and be as Non-Being, because it does not use his ability.
Being and Non-Being, as identified in the Kenoma as our first concept ternary Aïnsoph. We call it the Void, because nothing of this power to be not just move one of the plans of our humanity.
- But the power of Being contains all possibilities the perfect state, that of Being and the Non-Being, by mere assertion of its power status. - If we assume that this statement referred, Being filled Kenoma but Being has ceased to be and to be Non-Being, and he has renounced all its possibilities.
Therefore clear that the state of nonbeing is higher than the state of Being , despite the inadequacy of words, and despite the poor especially human intelligence, which believes the Being superior to non-being, simply because it lends to Being a life-like what we call life, and so she thinks better understand it.
Being, which is Non-Being voluntary, and identical to itself, is both the center and the resultant of all the Powers to be, so it is the unique power, universal, infinite, absolute. He is the One, the unfathomable abyss (Bythos) could not decide or speak in words, it is the Great Ineffable.
The will be the Great Ineffable clear out of his Emanation, and, as the white light emitted cons prism determines scattered beams of various colors, emanation, issued in Kenoma, determines the consequences of different values, which constitute its series of tangible creations. - Just as the scattered beams of light even owe their coloration to different angles that the prism decomposes, tangible creations, issued in Kenoma, owe their form and their number in the multiple refraction of the Ray Celeste, whose refractive angles represent piecemeal intervention forces, whose sum is called the Demiurge . - So we can not say that the Perfect has created imperfect, imperfect was not created, does not exist in itself: the imperfect is refracted vision we have of Perfect .[...]
[...] The appearance of the dark god called the first term ternary Adam. The Adam Kadmon , or Adam universal manifests negative function, together exteriority of Athamas and the shadow of god, left the night of Brahma. This phrase - with positive achievement is the goal of the efforts of all volitional beings - has no objective manifestation in the Universe hylic, and it is important to clarify here, to avoid confusion, and so easy too Frequently, that are made between the three terms of the ternary Adamic. The Adam Kadmon or Universal Adam, throughout all existence, contingent a negative expression, which was negative, from its appearance in the field of human conceptions. Only by separating the elements that constitute its reflection, that is to say, by creating, and then reflected by the reinstatement of all parcels in the unit, as Adam Kadmon become positive, c that is to say, reach to the reality that provides the only design we have today .[...]
From "The Teachings secrets of the Gnosis ", ed. Archy Milano, 1999
PS: I also invite readers to visit a few items dealing Dragon in the Eastern tradition in Matgioï major work," Way Metaphysics .
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