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Suite FAQ's Blog KRIM BIJA on the way Aghor and Tantrism left hand.
FAQ (3) SADHANA Aghora
FAQ (2) Aghora Tantra &
FAQs (1) Aghora NATH &

What this means it can fit into the modern world and particularly in the West?

The western field advantage, particularly French, is that it is blank. Everything to do. The Aghora has not yet been recovered by unlikely stars of spirituality, unscrupulous, who would soon trademark. The foundation of the Aghora is in itself a sufficient protection against this kind of drift. We can not make people believe that living in a crematorium or ashram surrounded by mangy dogs, they can "improve performance" within the company and "optimize their human capital." That said, cynicism and ridicule of spiritual materialism always exceed my wildest apprehensions on this subject.

Nath tradition has not established in France, although the term has been picked up for sale some techniques of Hatha Yoga and neo-tantra. There were also American attempts, but they have only reproduced patterns occultists West. The International Nath Order , which has some Mahendranath founder who has since died, while a reformed upon receiving transmissions, under the guise of modernization and removal of "folklore". Denatured, the company has only led to regression and the endless repetition of delusions. Finally, the traditional Hindu folklore there is a folklore that upgrade occultist Anglo-Saxon indigestible, nothing more. It's the American way. It arrives in Iraq to implement McDonalds as a religion to become embedded in the implanted neo-paganism hippie. They say that everyone is free, there is no longer any "straitjacket". And the patent is sufficient to justify everything. As it is liberal and that we can do what you want, it works. Radically change the orientation of a tradition, however, is not about fashion, personal charisma or socio-economic imperatives. It is an extremely rare event that requires a collective work and a stimulus directly from ancestors of the lineage.

Ultimately, we can not say that the Hindu Tantra in general will be successfully imported to the West until now. Tibetans have advanced them pawns in a more structured and more subtle. They are a stickler for tradition. This has not prevented some Western followers who set foot in the left hand path Tibetan (Tchöd, Dzogchen transmissions left hand, etc.) of disjunction and subsequently terminate their old practices as "Satanic." This is actually an internal problem with the approach occult pathogen. It produces a reading occultist inappropriate practices and we begin to regard each as a spiritual movement "egregore", that is to say a form of collective psychic entity to which followers are connected in a so sprawling. This entity would tell us who we are, what we should do to use the protocol to be implemented to advance spiritually, etc.. If you push this logic to its conclusion, you can only become paranoid. Who said that this entity, by my thoughts and deeds, does not feed me? The tentacles become vampiric imagined, the explosion is not far. It starts by being the champion of a spiritual current, it bathes in a state of grace, then the Guru tells us that we need to go further, let go of the safety valves. We then proposed to perform 'Tantric rites' to break taboos, to pass the thresholds of no return. The ego is now so abused that it will use reading occult vampire to condemn his own family, to fuck up what he had done and blame others for his own failure, his retreat. Serious mental diseases may arise from such a context. We read with followers of the "courage" to denounce certain tantric deities as telepathic aliens vampirico-ready to invade the earth and using the Tibetan lamas to feed through the non-followers ... I will be denounced as the means used by the masters to pump our energy and make us docile. Thank you to inform us of the impending attack. It is not surprising that it skids under these conditions. Anyway, you can not sell in U.S. online stores, human skulls in 1000 dollars, "useful practices Tchöd" and hope to be spared from the line, who must maintain a certain rigor, austerity and severity in the transmission of practices.

All these considerations relate to the tantric approach is extremely difficult to pass in the West. This approach does not seem in fact not at all necessary. It is not a spiritual crisis response. It does in the end very few people. Today, everyone wants to be tantric! This is absurd. We do not choose to come to Tantra.

In general, the West has simply need to reconnect with the sacred life approaches. He needs to "accompany the sun in its course," it has to offer valuable, celebrate life and death in a direct way - not through the prism of bourgeois or individualistic psychology by technological gadgets - reparticiper of the natural harmony of the cosmos. Spiritual thirst he knows seems hopeless. It is a terrible lack, and a poignant loneliness behind all this research and wandering mystics, spiritual in all stages where people are rushing ... They promise wonders through the organic, meditation, and now thanks to the non-duality. The promise of non-non-arousal in turn respond to our constant existential crisis! Aghora but can not be seen as a spiritual answer, nor as yet another folk to follow. It is a way too risky. You must see this track for what it is: a way to enlightenment esoteric. That is to say not therapy, nor even a chance to breathe a little of our lifestyle disturbed and crazy, but a radical and deep spiritual commitment. It's a private matter, the Tantric path will never cast a wide net. Only a few can be called. Make a fashion lead to disaster. The left hand lanes are not open to everyone. Aghoris even among themselves! Goddess invites us to its mysteries, we are not pirates, nor tourists, we are his children. We are small Kapaliks students, these extraordinary beings who have decided to sacrifice themselves to meet the immense.

How could transmit Aghora in the West in good condition?

There will inevitably different levels of commitments, as in India. An outer circle consisting of attentive ears, known as the Sewak, and an inner circle composed of the acting hand, the sadhak . You can always go further in the undertaking. But everyone must respect its rhythm. Everyone must stay in his place. I do not live year round naked in the crematories. Yet I am part of the family Aghoris, and my father gave me a role to play. The beginning of a spiritual journey undertaken must necessarily pass through the Diksha , that is to say through the initiation ritual. This could very well be in France, as has authorized me, but the best is still to go directly to the source in India, in an appropriate context, in the family home. Nevertheless, initiation can be given as a diploma or favoritism. Diksha more like an adoption certificate. We do not adopt a child lightly. I was not adopted lightly. Since we do not sign a delicate surgery lightly. The difficulty lies in the fact minimize the maximum folklore while preserving the originality, authenticity and effectiveness of the track. This can not be built around a charismatic figure or good words. It can not be born as a collective work, relationships of trust over time, a strong presence in the spiritual lineage and seriousness in practice. The example of ashrams Aghori kinarami in Italy seems to be a good base. We already operate in this way with my friends in France. We find in nature to practice and celebrate Lane. We have no particular folklore, everyone is invited to follow their own inspirations. This land Aleyrac is a land of encounter with oneself, with others. It is above all a land of spiritual practice. And regardless of this practice provided that it is real, not virtual. Here in France, I perform my rituals. We had the chance to install a lingam a year ago on the advice of Swami Nagnath .

What is your relationship with this spiritual group, which meets Aleyrac? What is Aghora has to do?

Not much is I just do not come from nowhere. I find it rather ridiculous to see his spiritual journey as a guarantee of authenticity and that is why I am silent on this point. It may have been the spiritual tourism throughout his life and present diplomas Buddhist occultists Aghoris, shamanic, to give himself the right to say stupid things. It's not the way I do. Neither one of my friends. But I did a little "journey". I learned from many different traditions. I first started practicing in the esoteric Christian. Each channel is infinite. I think he never had the courage to go up After one of them. Moreover, can we go after the mysteries of Christ for example? I doubt it. We're students, still students. The path takes care of us go where we should be. In this burst of emotion, which made me take some risks sometimes, I always tried to keep a thread. I go where the knowledge is where my heart is called, whatever the status of a particular name. In a few years, I was fed by Grace. I have great gratitude that I received at every turn in this journey. Try to integrate it better. A milestone on this journey was my meeting with Jean Luc Colnot . It is subtle in its teaching that I have landed in India in Aghoris in a spiritual context in fact already somewhat "familiar." Each track is unique, and that's what makes it universal. The border between Aleyrac and Benares is that personal and cultural. Internally, this poses no problem for me, quite the contrary. What is important is spiritual friendship, devotion, the richness of what is delivered. The absolute is an attitude. In France, we organize retreats to our own simple and natural way to do all parts of exotic tradition. Parallel to this, I hope someday Hanuman Nath will visit this land Aleyrac. As Jean-Luc hopes his friends Kallawaya, Bolivia Andean shamans come visit us. And if we perceive one day without making traditions of spiritual categories that lead us astray? Each medium may indeed be an obstacle or a path. Everything depends on the "investment" within the practitioner. Ecumenism is our commitment. We are trying to fight against colonialism spiritual traditions and present as it is. It strong political will. We are not trying to make them stick to some fantasy whatsoever. We really want to learn from each other.


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