Delivered at the castle of Daimyo Hatano Izumono Kami Yoshishige December 17, 1242 copied by Ejo

The Great Way of all Buddhas and the ultimate goal in Buddhism is the detachment from life and death and the attainment of enlightenment. We must detach ourselves from life as in life, and death being in death. When we are alive, life is essential and in death, death becomes the main activity. Life is to experience life. Death is to experience death. Life and death are expressions of the actual truth. Detach completely, immerse it fully in life and in death.
Understanding life and Death is a means with which the Bodhisattvas are getting their salvation and that of others.
The realization of enlightenment is the true life - unhindered. When we realize enlightenment, the meaning of life and death becomes totally clear. However, this experience can be defined either by conscience or by knowledge, or by concepts such as small or large, infinite or finite, long or short, near or far.
Our life consists of practical experience and in the same way, this experience consists of living. Life is going and coming, appearing and disappearing. Life is experience overall life, death is inversely full experience of death. This is the meaning given to the nature of Buddhist practice immeasurably. If we reflect on our present life and, gradually, we awaken, the world begins to manifest to us in its true shape. The activity of life contains the entire universe. Every moment holds the existence completely.
Life is like being on a boat. Even if we control the sail, rudder, oars, boat, its qualities remain unchanged: we absolutely need to survive. Conversely, the vessel can function properly without us. The man and the boat is complete harmony, expressing totally interdependent. When the man and the boat work together to form an entity, all activities of the sky, all the water and all the shore also from the same time and same place. Somehow, all the circumstances work together harmoniously. This is the way that life and our lives work together. According
Master Engo Kokugon: "Life is the overall experience of life. Death is the full experience of death." These two dimensions not opposing, they exist together in the experience of the entire universe. They have nothing to do with space and time. The universal experience is realized in life and death, and nothing can obstruct. But individually, each experience of life and death, although it is not entirely different, is not comparable to a universal experience. To each his own life, to each his own death. For this, we can discover the true nature of our existence. It's like a man who stretches his limbs or property that sleeps clutching her pillow. It is the actualization of the divine light and the entire activity.
Life and death appear at any moment. They appear instantly, naturally, without thinking. If we work seriously, we can perceive their appearance. Upon completion, life and death become completely clear. Especially, do not think that this is not an achievement of the past. Each moment contains the whole of reality. This recognition is the realization endless constantly renewing itself.
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