Sunday, January 30, 2011

Johnson's Shampoo Ingredients


Here's what should be the man skilled in the pursuit of happiness,
And who wants to live in peace: Be capable
, right, perfectly right
conciliatory, mild, and humble.

Satisfied everything and easily supporting her fate
it does not let itself overwhelmed by world affairs, and live in simplicity,
What are mastered his senses and he remains cautious
Neither arrogant nor greedy pleasures of this world.

That does not mean that either
and could be disapproved by the wise.
May all beings live in happiness and security

be happy May all beings without exception
Low as strong
Large and old,
means, the small, the coarse

Whether visible or invisible,
Whether near or far, they
are already born or unborn.
All are happy. Towards

anyone and in any circumstance:
Never deceive or despise
feel hatred or anger,
Never wish harm to others.

Like a mother loves her only child,
ready to sacrifice everything to protect it,
It is with boundless love
Whether one should we cherish all sentient beings.

should cultivate boundless goodness towards the world
Up and down, in the ten directions,
Without obstacle, without hatred or enmity,
Standing or walking, sitting or lying down.

Stay awake and sober minded, fair
Develop attention: This is the Supreme
way of life.

Do not stray into false views
cultivate a virtuous life, have a deep inner vision,
Tearing appetites of the senses
To no longer be reborn in this world.

Copyright Buddhachannel - 2009


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