Saturday, February 19, 2011

I Think I Have Impetigo

"The practice of Bodhisattvas. Vimalakirti

Copyright Hueiguang Shi

Then, as the Buddha taught Shakyâmunui Âmrapâli in the park, the scene suddenly s'immensifièrent by adorning many ornaments, and everything and everyone in the manifold assembly, took the color of gold.
Ananda asked the Buddha:
- What are revered the world, the reasons for this happy omen? The park has suddenly immensifié by adorning adornment; everything and everyone in the vast assembly, took the color of gold.
The Buddha said to Ananda:
- It turns out that Vimalakirti and Manjusri, surrounded and honored by an immense crowd, plan to come here: this is the meaning of this happy omen.
At the same time, Vimalakirti spoke to Manjushri:
- We should all go to the Buddha Shakyamuni. So could we, as Bodhisattvas of all fragrances, pay homage and make offerings.
- Well, Manjushri said, let's go!
So Vimalakirti use of his magical powers and put the crowd that welcomed her home, including all the thrones of lions in the palm of his right hand, then marched to where the Buddha was. Once there, he laid on the floor inside his fist and bowed at the feet of Buddha, then circumambulate seven times by keeping him on his right, hands clasped and unified spirit, and he stood on the side .
Bodhisattvas came down from their thrones and bowed at the feet of Buddha before circumanbuler seven times to stand on the side, still standing. The great disciples, the Indra, the Brahma, the Four Divine Kings and so on also went down from their thrones and bowed before the Buddha's feet to stand on its side.
Then the World Honored hosted by Dharma, Bodhisattvas, then return to their thrones ria to listen to his teachings. When everyone was seated, the Buddha spoke to Shariputra:
- You see the effects of sovereign powers of the Bodhisattvas?
- I see them.
- What do you think?
- Revered the world, "said Shariputra, I see the Inconceivable, nothing that can be imagined or guessed.
Ananda asked the Buddha:
- This perfume that we feel now, O World-Honored One, I had never felt what is it?
- This fragrance, Ananda, is the smell coming out of every pore of these bodhisattvas.
Shariputra said to Ananda:
- We also emit this smell sweet.
- What is its origin?
- Householder Vimalakirti borrowed the leftovers of the Buddha of All Fragrances and all those who ate in her house now exude perfume.
Ananda asked Vimalakirti:
- How long does this scent will remain there?
- While food has been digested.
- When will she?
- This food is such that it takes no less than seven days to digest it. Know also, O Ananda, the Listeners who have not attained the accuracy and absorb the flavor of the food digesting in accessing the accuracy. Those who absorb already attained by winning Accuracy digest freedom of the mind.
Those who absorb without having generated the spirit of the Great Vehicle in generating the digest that spirit and those who have already created this spirit by winning the digest patience against hypothecation of birth.
Those who absorb having already won the patience with the birth of the nothingness of the digest by not having to be reborn only once before they reach perfect Buddhahood.
Know your drugs called Tasty? Its effect is to eliminate all the poisons: done, it is perfectly digested. The same is it that food in any fragrance: it is digested as it eliminates all the poisons that are negative emotions.
- How wonderful! Ananda said. O World-Honored One, I knew it could exist in any food flavor capable of undertaking the activities awake.
- It is yet even so, O Ananda, the Buddha replied that went on
It is land where the activities of bodhisattvas awake gush of light radiation a Buddha.
This is where the activities are awakened to the fact bodhisattvas.
Sometimes Awakened act by issuing spooky events.
Sometimes it is a tree which is in charge of their activities.
Sometimes even the clothes of the Buddha, or bedding, are responsible for its activities.
Sometimes the food is a procedure of the Buddhas.
activities awake sometimes manifest themselves in the appearance of parks amenities.
Sometimes they are carried out in the thirty-two major marks of beauty and quatre-vingts signes mineurs.
Parfois elles opèrent dans l’apparence corporelle d’un Bouddha.
Parfois les Éveillés agissent comme s’ils étaient l’espace vide.
Voilà autant de circonstances qui devraient permettre aux êtres de régler au mieux leur conduite.
Parfois les Éveillés agissent en s’attardant sur des comparaisons comme le rêve, la fantasmagorie, le reflet, l’écho, la forme dans le miroir de canicule.
Parfois les Éveillés agissent en recourant à la voix, au langage et à l’écrit.
Il existe encore des terres de Bouddha très-pures où Awakened to act in silence: they say nothing, show nothing, give nothing to know, do nothing and employ no reality condition.
Thus, Ananda, the impressive continuation of the Buddhas, all they do out of generosity, their very approach, it is none of that activity that is awake.

O Ananda, we know the four maras and 84-1000 are experiencing negative emotions that all beings. Well, the Awakened act using specifically all these things. That is what is called "access reality of all Awakened". The bodhisattva who borrows this access does not feel special joy just to see if all the land of Buddha in their beauty Purísima and do not inspire him or greed or feeling of superiority. And if he sees them impure, it do not feel any sadness, it does not revolt more than he lets himself be absorbed. He is content to have a very pure conscience and to worship Buddhas in joy and wonder renewed. The qualities of all Buddhas from the Suchness are absolutely equal, but to educate and help people, manifested the Awakened Lands Buddha various appearances.
O Ananda, you see that the land of Buddha are multiple and that space is not empty. Similarly, you see how the formal body of a Buddha can be varied without his unfailing wisdom divides either.
O Ananda, all Buddhas are equal in terms of their formal body, their beauty brands, their families, their practice of discipline, concentration and knowledge, their release free and their vision, their strengths, their fearlessness, their unique qualities, their kindness and compassion, keeping them and their activities, the duration of their lives, their teachings for the sake of beings, the art of bringing to the accomplishment and, finally, about the practice of purifying the land of Buddha. Therefore they deserve all the names of Sanskrit samyaksambuddha, and Tathagata Buddha.
O Ananda, if I explained extensively the three word sounds, you'd live a whole kalpa you not hear all of my explanation. And although all living beings a billion worlds, tous aussi savants que toi, Ânanda, le premier de mes disciples par l’érudition, et doués de ta mémoire et des formules-de-mémoire, eh bien, même s’ils vivaient un kalpa tout entier, l’intelligence de ces êtres ne suffirait pas pour en accueillir toute la teneur.
Ainsi donc, Ânanda, l’insurpassable Éveil authentique et parfait des Bouddhas est illimité ; sa sagesse et son éloquence sont de même inconcevables.
- Désormais, dit Ânanda au Bouddha, je n’oserai plus me prétendre érudit.
- Ne cherche pas à te rabaisser, Ânanda : je dis que tu es le plus érudit Auditors and non bodhisattvas. Remnants it at that, Ananda. The wise should not seek the limits of the bodhisattvas, because if it is possible to probe the depths, it is impossible to gauge the strength and wisdom of the bodhisattva, nor its formulas Memory, eloquence and the sum of qualities.
O Ananda, your fellows and you, you should give up drill acts bodhisattvas. The mighty wonders Vimalakirti has emerged at once, it is not a listener, not a Buddha-by-itself, using his magical powers for thousands and thousands of aeons, would be able to accomplish.
Then the Bodhisattvas who came from the universe of All Fragrances joined hands to ask the Buddha:
- Revered the world, when we saw this land yours for the first time, we found it vulgar. But now, full of contrition, we rejected this idea because it is impossible to properly design the expedients which use the Buddhas. It was to save the living beings they manifest all these kingdoms of Buddha in response to expectations. O World-Honored One, we would very grateful if we give a brief instruction that we would call your wisdom in memory, O Tathagata, when we returned to our world.
The Buddha addressed the bodhisattvas:

the exhaustible and the inexhaustible provide a method of release that you should study. The
exhaustible means conditioned phenomena and the unconditioned inexhaustible. Now claiming bodhisattva does not destroy the folds put it freezes in the Unconditional.
Do not destroy the conditioned is not to abandon the great kindness and great compassion. That result deeply the spirit of omniscience and never forget. It
tirelessly to investigate and help living beings.
Always remember proper conduct with respect to the method of the four attractions.
Hold and protect the righteous Dharma even at the risk of his life. Plant roots
good without ever tiring.
Fix the property never resorting to clever dedication of merits.
tirelessly seek teachings on the Real, the Real teaching without anything to keep to yourself and honor the Buddhas of offerings.
Diving into the circle of birth and death by not fearing anything, they did not rejoice in the glory and not turning sad no shame, no contempt for non-practitioners and practitioners as respecting the Buddhas.
Bring one who falls into the negative emotion to correct his thinking.
Do not overestimate the pleasure of posting.
Do not focus on his own pleasure but the pleasure of others have a party.
Feeling hell in the meditations and concentrations.
turn in the circle of birth and death as if it were a walk in a park approval.
All supplicant as his spiritual master.
renounce all his possessions to the performance of Omniscience.
At the sight of a man who violates the discipline to want to help and protect him.
Consider transcendent virtues like his father and mother.
Keep auxiliary methods of enlightenment to his relatives.
contrive to purify his country by adorning it with all the splendors to perfect his own land of Buddha.
Pursuing the unlimited generosity to perform major and minor brands of beauty parfaite.
Chasser tout mal pour purifier son corps, sa parole et son esprit.
Ne pas perdre courage pendant d’innombrables kalpas en tournant dans le cercle des morts et renaissances.
Inlassablement chercher à imiter les qualités démesurées des Bouddhas.
Brandir l’épée de la connaissance transcendante pour abattre les émotions négatives, ces brigands.
S’extraire des agrégats, des domaines et des sources pour prendre en charge tous les êtres et constamment les amener à la libération.
Persévérer jusqu’à anéantir les hordes de Mâra.
Constamment aspirer à the non-discursive knowledge of the actual appearance. Low in
desires and always happy, no exceptions to the laws of the century.
Do not break the rules of proper maintenance and use knowledge to meet them.
User magical prescience to guide beings. User
forms of memory to forget any teaching. Resolving doubts
each having duly discern his faculties.
Teaching bluntly to enjoy the sacred eloquence.
purify themselves on the path of the ten positive deeds to enjoy the happiness of men and gods.
Cultivating kindness, compassion, immeasurable joy and equanimity to open access to heaven Chastity.
Invite Buddha taught the Dharma, rejoicing the good they do and sing their praise to acquire a voice of Buddha.
do good in deed, word and thought to acquire the noble bearing of a Buddha.
Practicing far deeper meaning to transform its supreme acts deeds. Become
monk Bodhisattva according to the teachings of the Great Vehicle:
All these practices show how bodhisttava does not destroy conditioned.

What, for the Bodhisattva does not freeze in the Unconditional?
That study and practice of emptiness without making the object of his achievement.
Studying and practicing the void, the homeless and undocumented feature but do not wish to make the objects of his achievement.
Studying and practicing non-production but not to be its realization.
Recognize impermanence without renouncing the basis of the property.
Contemplating the suffering of the world does not hate the circle of death and rebirth.
Contemplating the nonexistence of me continuing d’instruire les autres inlassablement.
Contempler le nirvâna sans s’y abîmer à jamais.
Contempler le détachement en cultivant le bien en acte et en pensée.
Contempler l’inexistence du But et tendre au but du bien.
Contempler le néant de la naissance et renaître pour prendre en charge tous les êtres.
Contempler le non-pollué sans détruire les phénomènes pollués.
Contempler l’inexistence de toute pratique et pratiquer le Dharma pour instruire et aider tous les êtres animés.
Contempler le néant et le vide sans renoncer à la compassion.
Contempler the accuracy without obeying the Little Vehicle.
contemplate things and see that they are illusory, without strength or individuality, no owner and no face, but have not yet achieved all his wishes, finding nothing in the merits of vacuum concentration and wisdom.
All these methods allow the bodhisattva does not freeze in the Unconditional.

But still:

is to perfect its merits that the bodhisattva does not freeze in the Unconditioned, and to perfect his wisdom he does not destroy conditioned.
is through kindness and compassion that does not freeze in the Unconditioned, and his vow to make fundamental that does not destroy conditioned.
is to collect the medicines of the Dharma that he does not freeze in the Unconditioned, and to prescribe and dispense these medicines that do not destroy conditioned.
, to know every disease be it does not freeze in the Unconditioned, and to solve the disease of everyone that does not destroy conditioned.

Noble lords, that is why the Bodhisattva exercised these two things: do not destroy the conditioned and not settle in the Unconditional. So the method of release called "finite and infinite, you should consider.
At the hearing of this teaching, bodhisattvas visitors exulted an immense joy. They spread the wonderful flowers of all colors, from which flow all other scents, and soon filled the billion worlds of our universe, as offerings to the Buddha, his teachings, such that found in this Sutra, and all the bodhisattvas Endurance. Then they bowed to the Buddha's feet, crying wonder.
- The Buddha Shakyamuni, he said, is really expert in expedients beneficial to this world.
With that, they disappeared suddenly and returned to their kingdom. "

From the Sutra of freedom unthinkable.
Vimalakirti's teachings.
Translation Patrick Square, Editions Fayard.


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