Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nie Zaboli Język Od Dobrego Słowa

Sutra of the Grandstand, Chapter 14. Hui-neng

The "Samadhi of the unique" is the constant practice of righteousness. As Sutra Vimalakirti, it is said that the "righteousness is the place of practice; righteousness is a pure land."
The samadhi of single words is not only the practice of righteousness and not suitable for followers of the Buddha. It's the only exercise of righteousness towards all phenomena, without attachment or belief in their real existence, is called samadhi of the unique. The
lost focus on the appearance of things and believe that there really is some "samadhi of the single." They straighten their minds and remain seated without moving, chasing illusions without producing thoughts - this is their "unifying absorption. But then, they engage in a method that treats them like inanimate objects and, moreover, draws many obstacles on the road.
Lane is that communication and fluidity: what good these clots? When thinking stops, and communication flow stops too, and it is chained. If it was only sitting still, Vimalakirti was wrong to chide Shariputra lequel passait sont temps assis dans la forêt.
Ô mes amis, j’en ai même vu qui apprenaient aux autres à s’asseoir pour examiner leur esprit, en examiner la pureté sans bouger, sans penser, et ainsi produire des mérites. Privés d’illumination, les égarés s’attachent jusqu’à la perversité, dont il existe des centaines d’espèces. Ceux qui expliquent ainsi la pratique commettent la plus vieille des grandes erreurs.

Traduit du chinois par Patrick Carré.
Le Soûtra de l’Estrade du Sixième Patriarche Houei-neng (638-713).
Editions du Seuil, 1995


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